Swissuniversities. P-8 Digital Skills in der Lehre "Gestaltung digitaler Lernumgebungen zur Stärkung der Kooperation und Selbstorganisation im Studium" Marinus, E., Arnet, I., Rimmele, S. & Knecht, D. (68'000 CHF)
Joint PhD Project with University of Groningen "Natural versus programming language: Similarities and differences in underlying cognitive processes." Tops, W., Bastiaanse, R., Nickels, L., & Marinus, E. ($84,910)
Marinus, E., Schär, S., Rütsche, B., Hielscher, M., Döbeli Honegger, B. (2024, September). Assessing code comprehension and its relationship with computational thinking in pre-service teachers. Online presentation at the DGPs/ ÖGP, Wien, Austria.
Arnet, I., Marinus, E., Lehmann, E, Knecht, D., & Rimmele S. (2024, August). How do students organise themselves during group work? Analogue and digital aspects. Poster session at the Swissuniversities Pgb8 final conferenz. Luzern, Switzerland.
Marinus, E. (2024, 3. Juni). Towards a better understanding of computer science concepts in children. Vortrag an der Abschlussveranstaltung «Education, learning and digital change» des NFP77 «Digital Transformation», Hotel Placid, Zürich, Schweiz.
Marinus, E., Babari, P., Edelsbrunner., P., Hielscher, M & Döbeli Honegger, B. (2024, April). Assessing conceptions about the Internet with concept cartoons. Postersession, 6. Tagung Fachdidaktiken, PH Thurgau, Kreuzlingen.
Marinus, E. (2023, Juni) Towards a better understanding of computer science concepts in children. Presentation at the third NFP77 "Digital Transformation" Progress Report event, Bern, Switzerland.
Arnet, I. & Marinus E. (2023, März). Haltung und Kenntnisse zur digitalen Kooperation und Selbstorganisation: die Perspektive der 6. Semestrigen der PHSZ. Presentation at the Forschungskolloquim at PHSZ, Goldau, Switzerland (Online event).
Marinus, E. (2022, June). Computer Science concepts in children. Presentation at the NFP77 "Digital Transformation" Progress Report event, Basel, Switzerland.
Marinus, E & Döbeli Honegger, B. (2022, Februar). Survival Guide für Fachdidaktik MINT in der Primarschule. Invited presentation for the course “Bildung von Wissen” in the teacher training department at ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
Marinus, E. (2021, Oktober). Computer Science concepts in children. Presentation at the NFP77 "Digital Transformation" Progress Report event, Bern, Switzerland.
Babari, P. & Marinus E. (2021, September). Eine Literaturstudie zu Internetvorstellungen von Kindern und Jügendlichen. Presentation at the Forschungskolloquim at PHSZ, Goldau, Switzerland (Online event).
Marinus, E., Hermida, M., Imlig-Iten, N, & Schrackmann (2021, April). Einstellungen von PHSZ Studierenden zum Thema Online-Privatsphäre und ihre Schutzstrategien. Presentation at the Forschungskolloquim at PHSZ, Goldau, Switzerland (Online event).
Marinus, E. (2020, September). Computer Science concepts and their misconceptions in primary school children. Presentation at the NFP77 "Digital Transformation" Kickoff event, Bern, Switzerland (Online event).
Marinus, E., Hielscher, M., & Döbeli-Honegger, B. (2020, April). Verbindung von Forschung und Lehre an der PHSZ: Ein erster Versuch zur Entwicklung eines Programmierkompetenzmessinstruments für Studierende. Presentation at the Forschungskolloquim at PHSZ, Goldau, Switzerland (Online event).
Graafsma, I., Robidoux, S., Roberts, M., Polito, V., Nickels, L., Zhu, J. & Marinus, E. (2019, April). Which cognitive skills predict success in an undergraduate programming course? Paper presented at the 46th Annual Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference (EPC), Wellington, New-Zealand.
Marinus, E. (2019, March). Which skills are important for programming? Invited talk at the Opening of the Programming Education Research Lab at the Computer Science Institute at Leiden University, the Netherlands.
Marinus, E. (2018, November). Challenges in spelling acquisition. Invited presentation at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Marinus, E. (2018, October). Assessing programming in 3-6-year olds: The development of the CODE-3-6 test. Invited presentation at the Computer Science Department, Delft
University, the Netherlands.
Marinus, E., Meijboom, I., Segers, E., & McArthur, G. (2018, July). Explaining the relation between surface dyslexia and poor arithmetic performance. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR), Brighton, UK.
Marinus, E., Powell, Z., Thornton, R., McArthur G. & Crain, S. (2018, June). Cognition of coding in 3-to-6-year olds: The relationship between programming ability and compiling of syntax in natural language. Colloquium at the Computer Science Department, ETH, Switzerland.